eyebrow tattoo removal saline laser

Eyebrow Tattoo Removal Saline Vs Laser

Written by: Lisa Henning






Time to read 12 min

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Today I'm going to explain your options for microblading and PMU removal. Discussing saline and laser tattoo removal, plus combining methods for the difficult cases

Historically, saline was always the tried and tested option for lightening and removing eyebrow tattoos. But in the last couple of years, laser has become a popular option, but not without some significant drawbacks if it's the only option used - You'll see what I mean here: Yellow Brows After Laser

Eyebrow pigments contain a blend of ⚫🔴🟡⚪, plus any modifying 🟠🟢 - Black removes first!

If you're here for a quick answer:

Always Botched Ink first - laser tattoo removal second, on any remaining black pigment if its still needed. A laser tech must carry out a patch test, to know which filter and settings to use. If the laser patch test reveals any funky colours, red, orange, yellow, or darker brows, you definitely need Botched Ink as your first, and maybe only removal method - Talk to a Botched Ink Tech, you can also message us via the chat or our socials: Instagram or Facebook

Unfortunately most laser techs, only offer laser tattoo removal, and some laser techs only offer partial removals, for you to then cover over by adding more pigment... If you wanted to! Be aware, that you'd still need future colour corrections, as the funky colours will still remain

Let's get into the details...

Thanks for being here! Lisa 🧡

🧡 Are you looking to take a permanent makeup removal course?

Botched Ink® training courses and unique saline removal solution 🤩 We also have a growing team of Approved Trainers to offer our In-person Model Class, which is a great addition for techs 

Removal Options for Eyebrow Tattoos, Permanent Makeup & Microblading

With so many different types of eyebrow tattoo removal to consider, laser, saline and other non-laser solutions, it’s worth understanding permanent makeup removal a little better. Many opt for having their eyebrows tattooed, seeking to enhance their appearance, but sometimes the pigment lasts too long, especially the black ink, or they may wish to reverse this decision. And we’re here to help if you need any advice about the laser treatment, results from the patch test, or emergency removal

🧡 Are you looking for permanent makeup removal near me?

Visit our Find a Tech Map to remove your unwanted cosmetic tattoos. We can also help with any funky colours left after laser tattoo removal! Botched Ink removes fresh and old microblading and permanent makeup pigment. Botched Ink® is our exclusive saline solution for permanent makeup removal 

"It's easy to prevent the funky colours after laser, use Botched Ink first! "

Sunset brows after laser tattoo removal

Eyebrows are shades of brown, which is a mix of ⚫🔴🟡⚪, plus any modifying 🟠🟢. Laser isn't the best removing most of these colours. Black removes the easiest, for either method

Join me a 3 other removal specialists for this high value hit of experience sharing! Topics covered in this video are: Introductions. Client questions for laser. Cosmetic tattoo pigments (brown!). Neon yellow brows after laserCombining removal treatmentsEmergency removalRecap with Lisa

Isn't laser eyebrow tattoo removal the best method?

Laser removal treatment is not the first option for permanent makeup removal and cosmetic tattoo pigments, especially eyebrows which are brown - Brown is a blend made up of several colours, and laser eyebrow tattoo removal has difficulty with several of them, leaving funky coloured brows!

The underlying brow color isn’t always visible due to top-ups and pigment fading, especially iron oxide which is traditionally used for permanent makeup, but they do become visible after the laser patch test

If you’re undecided between a laser eyebrow tattoo removal treatment or Botched Ink saline removal, always do Botched Ink first as this draws pigment up and closer to the surface, making an easier removal for either method

If the brows are scarred from multiple or heavy-handed pigment treatments, a laser removal treatment cannot get to the pigment in scar tissue, but Botched Ink can!

Saline Eyebrow Tattoo Removal Vs. Laser Eyebrow Tattoo Removal

In comparison with laser eyebrow tattoo removal, saline removal has been widely used for decades to remove unwanted permanent makeup eyebrow tattoos. Cosmetic tattoo pigments are shades of brown, containing black, white, red, yellow and green

Laser tattoo removal has difficulty with several of these colours, most easily removing the black, exposing then the other colors, usually red becomes visible, so you'd have red eyebrow tattoos until they are reduced in how many sessions?

It must be accepted that most laser tattoo removal technicians, are not trained or experienced working on eyebrows, or understand cosmetic tattoo pigments which undergo fading, touch ups, and colour corrections

Saline tattoo removal is more effective for permanent makeup removal

Saline eyebrow tattoo removal also removes black eyebrow tattoos, and if you ever consider combining with a laser removal treatment, always Botched Ink first, laser second, if it's still needed

During a laser tattoo removal patch test, if other colors are revealed during permanent makeup removal, it might be that laser eyebrow tattoo removal isn't suitable for you just now, and proceed with Botched Ink treatments to remove the funky colours

If your eyebrows are very dark and only contain black, a combination of a few sessions of Botched Ink will make the laser tattoo removal treatment more gentle and more likely to preserve eyebrow hairs. Botched Ink draws the pigment to the surface as it removes, making laser eyebrow tattoo removal an easier job

It's worth asking your removal technician if they offer a free consultation, online, over the phone or in person. Make sure they're experienced working on eyebrows with their removal method!

Which is less painful, saline or a Laser eyebrow tattoo removal treatment

Laser eyebrow tattoo removal uses laser light on the unwanted permanent makeup tattoo ink, the sensation may be painless or intolerable depending on the area of the the body and the technicians skill and quality of laser machine. Remember how sensitive your eyebrows were during your initial brow tattooing or microblading treatment

Saline tattoo removal with Botched Ink is a mild sting sensation that most individuals find only a slight discomfort. Though not all saline eyebrow tattoo removal solutions are the same. Some saline solution has a very low pH which burns, others have a method that needs multiple passes using a tattoo machine, to push enough saline solution into the skin

Botched Ink is considered a gentle removal treatment, with one pass of the tattoo machine or hand too, and lots of soaking. Botched Ink is a skin friendly pH of 5.5

Botched Ink vs Laser eyebrow tattoo removal

When comparing Botched Ink to laser removal aftercare, the skin surface after the procedure feels quite similar. Botched Ink's aftercare is quite simple, however other types of saline eyebrow tattoo removal and non-laser removal solutions have a different effect on the skin and the skin mustn't get wet, avoid high pressure water and sun exposure

Laser eyebrow tattoo removal uses light energy which feels like an elastic band snapping the ink particles, or bacon grease splashing. More in pigment particles make the eyebrows saturated and dense, the darker they are, the more heat and discomfort is created by laser light on the undesired ink. Proper eye protection is needed with laser eyebrow tattoo removal, and most clients want to avoid shaving their eyebrow hair which some laser techs still require!

With either removal method, multiple removal sessions are required to get the best results if full removal is required

Saline tattoo removal and laser removal have a similar healing processes

When you are doing laser or saline eyebrow tattoo removal, it will be best to allow it to heal completely after treatment. The treated area for either method takes 8 to 12 weeks before another removal treatment can be carried out. Keep following the aftercare instructions given by your removal technician during the eyebrow tattoo removal process

Saline may be a better choice if you have dark or sensitive skin

With Botched Ink saline tattoo treatments the chances of scarring are lower than with lasers, Botched Ink can even improve existing scarring making the skin is very soft too. Any redness or swelling usually dissipates over several days or weeks, and it has less swelling or pain compared to laser treatments

Keep your skin properly hydrated and call for a free consultation so your technician can advise any pre-care before starting eyebrow tattoo removal. This is particularly important for clients with dark skin that's also dry, we don't want to cause hyperpigmentation during the eyebrow tattoo removal process of unwanted tattoo ink

Many tattoo removal techs are not also skin specialists, we teach our Botched Ink techs how to work on all skin types and colours

  • Laser tattoo removal isn't the best method for eyebrow tattoos

  • Eyebrow tattoo removal is a multi treatment process

  • Black is the easiest colour for laser tattoo removal

  • Black is the easiest colour for saline eyebrow tattoo removal

  • Other colors are in cosmetic tattoo pigments

  • These other colours aren't best for laser tattoo removal treatment

  • Permanent makeup removal is best with Botched Ink saline solution

Talk to your eyebrow tattoo artist first

If you're considering removing permanent makeup or unwanted tattoo ink on your brow tattoos, it's worth talking to the eyebrow tattoo artist who carried out the initial treatment

Having tattooed eyebrows is a two part procedure, and if the colors needs more dark pigments or the shape needs some some tweaking with extra shape, like your want slightly thicker eyebrows, this can be fixed on the touch up session

However if the color is already darker than you want, or the brow tattoos are the wrong shape and need to be changed completely, we can effectively remove the unwanted permanent makeup with Botched Ink saline removal as soon as possible!

Fresh microblading and permanent makeup tends to be easier to remove - We call this emergency removal

Emergency Permanent Makeup Removal

If your cosmetic eyebrow tattoo is fresh, within the first 48 hours and no scabbing has formed, get in touch with one of our Botched Ink technicians for an emergency saline removal session

Exclusively to Botched Ink, we can also help as soon as the scab from the eyebrow tattoo has naturally healed off, no other removal brand can do this. Our advanced saline solution and gentle method allows us to do this for our clients

Please do not pick or try home removal DIY eyebrow tattoo removal treatments, this will cause inflammation, irritation, wetness and probably infection, all causing us to delay helping!

Does Permanent makeup Fade During Healing?

Your artist may offer eyebrow tattoo removal, but do check the type of solution that's being used, as some products and methods are very harsh on the skin, causing inflammation and irritation to remove the pigment. This is especially important on sensitive skin during healing, and if the area hasn't completely healed from any previous treatment

Cosmetic tattoo artists often say that brow tattoos will get fade by about 50% if you follow aftercare instructions, but that's not always true. Many permanent makeup pigments last for years, and not all tattoos are semi permanent. For these clients looking to remove eyebrow tattoos, Botched Ink is the best option to remove unwanted tattoo ink

How long does it take for eyebrow tattoo to go away?

Brow tattoos with microblading and permanent makeup pigments are considered cosmetic tattoos. The treated area directly after the initial treatment will look darker than you want as the color is mixed with freshly tattooed area, which looks shades of blood red. The red gets darker as it dries in the skin, and the pigments are essentially still wet in the skin

Over the next few days, and when the area is completely healed in the coming weeks, the treated area is no longer red, and the pigment has now dried in the skin and you can see a color change

Some types of pigment look softer and more powdery in the skin, but others look more like makeup and don't look much different to when they were freshly tattooed

If your healed brows are much darker than expected, you will need to consider the eyebrow tattoo removal process and which type of permanent makeup removal is best for you and the type of pigments used in your eyebrow tattoos

DIY Home Tattoo Removal

Can I get rid of my new eyebrow tattoo with salt scrubs / bleach / glycolic acid (or some other chemical I found to use on Google), I need them gone quick!

Please do not attempt a DIY permanent makeup removal treatment on your eyebrow tattoos. Unwanted tattoos are very difficult to live with, but we'd always advise you get in touch with a trained eyebrow tattoo removal specialist to get you not only the best results with an effective removal treatment

Eyebrow tattoo removal specialists will preserve your skin without causing increase bleeding, avoid scarring and in fewer sessions. Botched Ink saline removal is considered 'good stuff' by trained professionals and their clients!

If you're looking to get new eyebrow tattoos after tattoo removal treatment, you really do need to consider this a priority and ask your technician how to prevent and avoid scarring caused by some removal methods

Does Eyebrow tattoo removal work with glycolic acid

Glycolic acid tattoo removal is essentially a skin peel with an acidic low pH glycolic solution, and all the inflammation and irritation that goes along with this. Glycolic acid dissolves the cement that holds skin flakes together, thus the skin peels off; nice in a face wash to aid skin cell turnover, very different if it's being tattooed deep in the skin

If the skin that's peeling contains pigment, this will also be removed during the process. But think about that for a second, if the pigment is deeply implanted, the technician needs to work deep in the skin, that's a deep amount of inflamed and irritated skin that will peel off. Problems with the fresh skin taking a long time to return to a natural colour, and risks of scarring are very real

Glycolic tattoo removal is an invasive treatment, this means skin bleeds due to needles to opening the skin. You may see 'brown pigment' coming out, but this isn't true, what you're seeing is in fact blood that has reacted to the glycolic acid and turned brown. Lisa ran a little experiment when she cut her finger recently, putting some glycolic acid on the bloody tissue 


Eyebrow tattoo removal with alkaline solutions

Alkaline tattoo removal solutions tend to be a creamy white powder , made up of different oxide powders with an alkaline high pH. This also causes inflammation and irritation to the skin

These alkaline powders form a hard clump of powder when tattooed into unwanted cosmetic tattoos, attaching the clump to the tattoo ink particles. As this hard clump heals out during the healing process, it becomes a difficult and unsightly scab to manage

If the scab comes off too soon, scarring will occur and anti inflammatory drugs may be needed to sooth the area

Some tattoo removal brands have even combined glycolic acid and alkaline powers with other ingredients for a very harsh eyebrow tattoo removal procedure

The unwanted tattoo ink may completely remove, but what on earth condition is the skin left in!

AI Generated Conclusion ✨

In conclusion, when it comes to removing microblading, permanent makeup and eyebrow tattoos, it's crucial to choose the method that best suits your needs and skin type. While both saline and laser tattoo removal offer effective solutions, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons of each carefully

Saline tattoo removal, particularly with Botched Ink, provides a gentle and less painful alternative, especially for those with darker or sensitive skin. Moreover, it offers the advantage of preserving eyebrow hairs and minimizing the risk of scarring, essential of new permanent makeup is wanted

On the other hand, laser removal may be more suitable for larger tattoos on the body, but can be less effective for certain pigment colors commonly used in eyebrow tattoos. Regardless of the method chosen, eyebrow tattoo removal is a multi-treatment process that requires patience and adherence to aftercare instructions

By consulting with a qualified technician and understanding the nuances of each permanent makeup removal option, individuals can make informed decisions to achieve the desired results safely and effectively

Botched Ink training

Lisa Henning owner of Botched Ink saline solution

The Author: Lisa Henning

Lisa Henning is the owner and developer of Botched Ink, an industry leading saline removal brand offering comprehensive training, online and in-person, and our exclusive Botched Ink® saline removal solution. Contact Lisa directly on Instagram, Facebook, or by Email